Monday, March 10, 2014
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Gynecologic Problems, Yeast Infection, Bacterial Vaginosis, and Trichomonas
The female reproductive tract is a complex and intricate system. It must stay balanced in order to remain healthy. When the vaginal, ovarian, uterine, and hormonal aspects work to "factory standards" the female tract is a self sustaining, self cleaning, and self regulating milieu that demand nothing more from the patient other than general external hygiene. Internal cleaning, douching, talcum powders, creams and ointments can be detrimental to the balance and actually cause some of the problems that patients are trying to avoid.
I've written extensively about the menstrual cycle and problems during cycles in other publications and an in-depth discussion is beyond the scope of this article. Suffice it to say that the hormones that are controlled by the brain, secreted by the ovaries, and that act on the uterus and vagina all work together to keep the environment of the vagina amicable to the needs of the moment where as ovulation and possible fertilization dictates a certain set of pH, lubrication, and mucus consistency and menstruation a different set of variables. An interruption or defection of many of these processes can lead to internal or external pelvic irritation, infection, or worse.
This is a yeast infection in the vagina. Yeast are balls of fungi type material. It occurs commonly after taking antibiotics. It is common in patients with diabetes. Wearing cotton underwear instead of nylon underwear will make it less likely to occur because the fabric breathes and lets water out when you sweat. Symptoms include a thick white cottage cheese type discharge, which is very itchy. The vaginal area is dry and inflamed. During pelvic exam a test can be performed on the discharge to determine if it is yeast. The infection is either treated with Diflucan tablets or Monistat or Clotrimazole vaginal cream. Over the counter preparations can be used but if the yeast infection persists, a doctor should be consulted. A persistent yeast infection can be a sign of other disease and needs further investigation. Yeast infections are not considered sexually transmitted diseases but can be transmitted via partners during intercourse.
This discharge is caused by the trichomonas parasite. Symptoms include a yellow or clear bubbly vaginal discharge with a bad odor. Parasites are visible under the microscope when a specimen of the discharge is obtained. This is a sexually transmitted disease and both partners need to be treated at the same time before resuming intercourse. Trichomonas is found only in the discharge and does not usually cause infection in the uterus and tubes. Like a yeast infection above, trichomonas infection is not considered a true sexually transmitted infection however intercourse and transmission from partner to partner is the most common way this diseases is spread.
Bacterial vaginosis is caused by an overgrowth of Gardnerella and Mycoplasm or other bacteria in the vagina. Symptoms include a white vaginal discharge with a bad odor. This is usually not a sexually transmitted disease. The partner does not always need to be treated. If this occurs during pregnancy, it should be treated as it can cause irritability of the cervix and can cause problems during the pregnancy. Treatment with Flagyl tablets or Clindamycin vaginal cream is usually quite successful. BV can be seen when there is a shift in vaginal flora from the good Lactobacillus bacteria that help the vagina maintain a pH that is not favorable to other organisms which cause infections.
Medications, frequent baths, bad hygiene, and certain medical conditions can impact the general reproductive health of women. Most of these causes are not only treatable but preventable so see your Medical Doctor to discuss any issues you may have.
The female reproductive tract is a complex and intricate system. It must stay balanced in order to remain healthy. When the vaginal, ovarian, uterine, and hormonal aspects work to "factory standards" the female tract is a self sustaining, self cleaning, and self regulating milieu that demand nothing more from the patient other than general external hygiene. Internal cleaning, douching, talcum powders, creams and ointments can be detrimental to the balance and actually cause some of the problems that patients are trying to avoid.
I've written extensively about the menstrual cycle and problems during cycles in other publications and an in-depth discussion is beyond the scope of this article. Suffice it to say that the hormones that are controlled by the brain, secreted by the ovaries, and that act on the uterus and vagina all work together to keep the environment of the vagina amicable to the needs of the moment where as ovulation and possible fertilization dictates a certain set of pH, lubrication, and mucus consistency and menstruation a different set of variables. An interruption or defection of many of these processes can lead to internal or external pelvic irritation, infection, or worse.
This is a yeast infection in the vagina. Yeast are balls of fungi type material. It occurs commonly after taking antibiotics. It is common in patients with diabetes. Wearing cotton underwear instead of nylon underwear will make it less likely to occur because the fabric breathes and lets water out when you sweat. Symptoms include a thick white cottage cheese type discharge, which is very itchy. The vaginal area is dry and inflamed. During pelvic exam a test can be performed on the discharge to determine if it is yeast. The infection is either treated with Diflucan tablets or Monistat or Clotrimazole vaginal cream. Over the counter preparations can be used but if the yeast infection persists, a doctor should be consulted. A persistent yeast infection can be a sign of other disease and needs further investigation. Yeast infections are not considered sexually transmitted diseases but can be transmitted via partners during intercourse.
This discharge is caused by the trichomonas parasite. Symptoms include a yellow or clear bubbly vaginal discharge with a bad odor. Parasites are visible under the microscope when a specimen of the discharge is obtained. This is a sexually transmitted disease and both partners need to be treated at the same time before resuming intercourse. Trichomonas is found only in the discharge and does not usually cause infection in the uterus and tubes. Like a yeast infection above, trichomonas infection is not considered a true sexually transmitted infection however intercourse and transmission from partner to partner is the most common way this diseases is spread.
Bacterial vaginosis is caused by an overgrowth of Gardnerella and Mycoplasm or other bacteria in the vagina. Symptoms include a white vaginal discharge with a bad odor. This is usually not a sexually transmitted disease. The partner does not always need to be treated. If this occurs during pregnancy, it should be treated as it can cause irritability of the cervix and can cause problems during the pregnancy. Treatment with Flagyl tablets or Clindamycin vaginal cream is usually quite successful. BV can be seen when there is a shift in vaginal flora from the good Lactobacillus bacteria that help the vagina maintain a pH that is not favorable to other organisms which cause infections.
Medications, frequent baths, bad hygiene, and certain medical conditions can impact the general reproductive health of women. Most of these causes are not only treatable but preventable so see your Medical Doctor to discuss any issues you may have.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Salam buat semua ...saya mohon jutaan ampun dan maaf kerana sejak kebelakangan ini saya jarang masuk buat post ...bukannya apa ..kerana sejak kebelakangan ini saya terlalu sibuk membina perniagaan baru ..dan perniagaan baru yang saya maksudkan adalah produk wangian aura pemikat yang cukup-cukup hebat..
"Bayangkan anda boleh membuatkan wanita terus merasa ada daya tarikan semulajadi mengenai diri anda"
Kagum kan???
Bagaimana jika anda mendampingi wanita dan dia terus merasakan perasaan tertarik dengan anda
Bagaimana jika ia tertarik tampa sebab yang logik??
Pheromones, sejenis hormon lelaki, pemikat wanita semulajadi (yang berkuasa) anda boleh memikat, mempesona, menguja, dan MENGGODA mana-mana wanita. Pheromones akan meningkatkan daya keterampilan anda, terhadap wanita secara mendadak. Di-jamin oleh saintis antarabangsa! Jadilah WIRA dalam arena memikat wanita!
Pheromones membolehkan anda kelihatan seksi dan menawan.
wanita akan merasa cukup selesa dan tertarik dengan bau badan anda tanpa anda sedari walaupun ketika anda berpeluh
lebih mata memandang kearah anda tanpa paksaan
dengan kuasa memikat ini, anda pasti akan dapat lebih perhatian.
anda akan dapat lebih senyuman dari wanita.
anda dapati hubungan menjadi lebih baik secara spontan.
hari yang anda lalui, pasti akan lebih menyeronokkan!
Wanita akan tertanya2 bau apakah ini..lain semacam jer tapi sangat best dan selesa. ermm!! pelik kan..
Memperkenalkan... Phero-X
Pheromone Konsentrasi 25x ganda, yang terulung!
Semenjak 1703, ahli sains telah mengetahui terdapat organ dalam hidung yang dikenali sebagai vomeronasal organ atau VNO. Mereka fikir organ VNO tidak ada fungsinya. Tetapi 25 tahun terakhir ini, ahli sains telah menemui bahawa VNO peka terhadap pheromones.
Pheromones tidak boleh dihidu baunya oleh hidung, pheromone hanya dapat dikesan dan diterjemah oleh veromenasal organ - VNO (organ yang terdapat pada pangkal hidung). Kajian menunjukan bahawa ia berkesan & terbukti secara saintifik boleh mempengaruhi sikap & tindak balas seseorang. Kesan-kesan pheromone boleh anda rasakan pada waktu-waktu tertentu. Cuba ingat waktu anda tiba-tiba tertarik pada seseorang apabila berselisih dan bertembung secara tidak sengaja. Jika anak anda rindukan anda, berikan sahaja pakaian yang anda pakai kepadanya, rindunya pasti terubat! Tahukah anda, haiwan peliharaan mengenali anda bukan melalui rupa paras, tetapi melalui bau!
Sekarang telah dibuktikan bahawa manusia menghasilkan dan bertindakbalas terhadap pheromone. Ianya dipanggil (chemistery). Kajian menunjukkan bahawa pendedahan kepada pheromone lelaki memberikan kesan kepada peredaran haid wanita, seterusnya kepada kesediaan dan perasaan wanita untuk dibelai dan untuk melakukan hubungan intim.
Pernah anda lihat lelaki, walaupun rupanya tidaklah hensem, atau benar-benar macho, nampaknya dapat memikat ramai wanita? Hendak dikatakan beliau kaya, tidak juga. Kemungkinan besar, beliau menghasilkan lebih banyak pheromones yang dapat dikesan wanita, berbanding anda! Sekarang tidak mustahil untuk sesiapa jua mencuba kekuatan memikat yang terhasil oleh pheromones.
Pheromones adalah bau semulajadi yang dikeluarkan oleh badan, untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang di sekeliling anda. Melalui pelbagai kajian, saintis mendapati bahawa manusia menggunakan bau sebagai perantara yang mengawal tingkahlaku ketika berkomunikasi, secara sedar atau tidak.
Sekarang telah diketahui bahawa tingkahlaku manusia dipengaruhi kuat oleh deria bau semulajadi ini. Bau ini dapat menolong anda menarik perhatian dan memikat mereka yang berlainan jantina.
Kajian menunjukkan wanita memilih lelaki yang mereka suka bukan hanya berdasarkan rupa semata-mata. Mereka memilih lelaki yang mereka rasakan ada sifat kelelakian yang kuat. Dan sekarang anda bertuah kerana dengan kuasa pheromones dari Phero-X, anda boleh membuat mana-mana wanita merasakan perasaan tertarik yang amat sangat terhadap anda.
Phero-X mengandungi pheromone manusia tulen jenis (5-Alpha-Androst-16-En-3-One), yang akan membuat mana-mana wanita yang berada dekat dengan anda merasa tertarik kepada anda. Wanita akan memuji bau anda yang begitu menarik dan sedap, sebenarnya mereka tertarik pada pheromones yang terkandung dalam Phero-X.
Phero-X bukan pheromone yang berasal dari haiwan, jadi anda boleh menggunakannya tanpa was-was. Kajian mengenai pheromones telah membuktikan yang ia boleh menaikkan sifat romantik wanita dan membuatkan mereka inginkan lebih perhatian dari lelaki. Kami menjamin 100% penggunaan Phero-X akan menyemarakkan lagi kasih-sayang pasangan anda!!!!
Apakah pheromones?
Setiap haiwan di muka bumi (termasuk manusia) menghasilkan dan bertindakbalas terhadap pheromones. Ia adalah sel hormon yang dikeluarkan melalui liang peluh dan hampir tidak BERBAU. Pheromone hanya dapat dikesan oleh organ (VNO) veromenasal yang terdapat pada pangkal hidung. Pheromones adalah hormon pemikat wanita paling berkuasa di dunia!
Ada lelaki yang boleh menghasilkan pheromones secara banyak, manakala ada sebahagian lelaki mengeluarkan pheromones terlalu sedikit dan mungkin tiada langsung. Lelaki-lelaki ini, yang mampu mengeluarkan pheromone dengan banyak secara semulajadi, mungkin anda lihat, mereka kelihatan lebih berkarisma dan punyai aura yang menakjubkan! Kadang-kadang, walaupun rupa mereka tidak menawan, tiada duit yang banyak, mereka dapat menawan gadis-gadis yang sangat cantik dan rupawan! Itulah yang dikatakan (body chemistry) daya bau badan yang mampu memikat - atau mungkin mereka telah menggunakan kuasa Phero-X!
Efek penggalak libido pheromones:
Pheromones bukan hanya mampu memikat seks yang bertentangan, ia juga merangsang libido pasangan anda. Ini bermaksud, dengan menitiskan Phero-X pada nadi anda, iaitu di pergelangan tangan dan leher, juga di belakang cuping telinga, daya tarikan seksual anda akan meningkat. Ini pasti membantu hubungan intim anda dengan kekasih anda. Wanita tidak akan terlepas olehnya! Ia seperti MAGNET. Dengan efek Phero-X ini, anda akan MEMPEROLEHI kelebihan berbanding lelaki-lelaki lain. Gunalah setiap masa, dan anda akan perasan bahawa, anda akan lebih sukses dengan wanita. (Janganlah risau, sebotol Phero-X ini boleh tahan sehingga 2-4 bulan lamanya!)
Phero-X akan meningkatkan keinginan (libido) wanita sekeliling anda secara sedar atau tidak. (kajian secara saintifik dan kllinikal yang dijalankan ke atas pengguna-pengguna pheromones) ia mengekalkan dan memanjangkan tempoh perkahwinan, persahabatan dan persaudaraan. Ini membuktikan pheromones bukan sekadar penggalak libido. Ia juga membantu anda mengharungi kehidupan dengan lebih berjaya. Cubalah sendiri! Anda pasti akan teruja.
Pheromones (hormon pemikat wanita) telah berjaya dihasilkan oleh sebuah makmal terkemuka Morgan Labs' di negara Rusia.
Kebiasaannya pheromone manusia terdapat di celah ketiak ketika perpeluhan berlaku. Pheromone semulajadi ini adalah satu evolusi kehidupan yang sangat menakjubkan. Penemuan saintis mendapati bahawa, wanita memilih lelaki yang bakal menjadi bapa kepada anaknya berdasarkan faktor-faktor PHEROMONE yang dimiliki oleh lelaki tersebut! Fakta ini memang menarik dan harus anda berikan perhatian, bukankah begitu?
Harga Offline sebotol yang saya tawarkan adalah RM150 tetapi kini secara online saya tawarkan RM100 khas buat anda..namun begitu saya kini sedangkan membuat promosi dan tawaran hebat dan harga terkini saya tawarkan HANYA RM80 SAHAJA SEBOTOL DAN JIKA ANDA BERMINAT MEMBELI 5 BOTOL SEKALIGUS SAYA BERI LAGI TAWARAN LUMAYAN HANYA RM60 SAHAJA....
Bank in ke Akaun Maybank2U : 101066693503
Nama: Zulkarnai b. Harun Ar Rashid
Kemudian Sms ke 012-4635092 ( Contoh : Nama <> Kuantiti Order <> Tarikh Bank In <> Jumlah RM di Bank in <> Alamat Penghantaran ) atau boleh email ke hzulkarnai@gmail.com dengan tajuk pengesahan pembelian produk Aura .
Penghantaran akan dihantar menggunakan Post Laju/Kurier dan akan sampai ke rumah anda dalam masa 1 ke 2 hari...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008

Do you want to look great, enjoy easier digestion
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Aloeride® is a daily aloe vera pill which you can use to help reduce the effects of various conditions (including Crohn's disease and IBS) for easier digestion.
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Would you like the only aloe vera product in the world made to pharmaceutical standards? Several leading retailers have already placed orders believing that the demand will be so high that they can charge above our recommended retail price.
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Let's face it, how many other aloe vera products can you name that have been developed by a Chartered Physiotherapist, Registered Acupuncturist and Naturopath. Other products simply cannot compete with the same effectiveness. Aloeride® is a unique pill that gives you pure aloe vera in a natural but fast working and highly effective way.
The only thing we remove are the anthraquinones that have the undesirable laxative effect. Be careful of aloe vera liquids and tablets that do not remove these as you could suffer the embarrassing side effect of diarrhea.
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Read more about Jeans amazing story by clicking here
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